David & Jonathan – a relationship that was more than companionship, closer than friendship, it was a relationship that Christ desires of us today.
In this day and age that we live in, we find that friends are a very precious commodity. It is easy to find someone to befriend you but it is very rare to fine one that you can truly be friends with. A friend is someone who you know and trust to have your back at all times and at all costs. You need not worry and or fret because you know that you are covered. Some may say they are your friend but you have to keep an eye on them, sleep with one eye open and walk with a constant looking over your shoulder. This is because to be a true friend they have to be trusted and trust is something we hold tightly to our breast and find it hard to let go of. It is something that has to be earned before it is extended to someone. To trust someone without a consuming worry or fear of back lash or reprisal is a rare commodity at best.
The bond of friendship should never be overlooked or worse yet, taken for granted. One true test of this bond is seen in times of disagreement; you may see or take opposite sides yet still be friends. This is almost in direct conflict with Amos 3:3 which says, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” I believe that a true friendship can and must cross that line at times and yet still survive. It is really a matter of trust and trust with respect which I believe stems from the origins of a new birth relationship. The kinship that comes from Christ is knitted in the realm of friendship, it is something that most never experience and few date to attempt. Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” We find that Christ sticks closer than a brother and we too, should do the same regardless of our own desires, differences, preferences, prejudices and convictions. In the area of friendships pettiness is a selfish desire we cannot afford because it stifles restoration where needed along with compassion and rebuke if and or when necessary.
The best biblical example of friendship is found in David & Jonathan they had a relationship that was more than companionship, closer than friendship, it was a relationship that Christ desires of us today. As a friend you are not there to judge but to honestly and openly care for one another. It is obvious from Scripture that these two men were also very good and close friends. In their relationship we can see at least three qualities of true friendship. First of all, their friendship was sacrificial in nature, each placing their needs second to the others and their own. Second, In 1 Samuel 18:4, “And Jonathan took off the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, even to his sword and his bow and his belt.” we read that Jonathan gave David his clothes and military apparel. In this selfless act, Jonathan show us that he recognized that David would one day be king of Israel this action of Jonathan’s signified this. We can see from this act that he was selfless, not envious or jealous in fact we see that Jonathan did so in submission to God’s will and sacrificed his own right to the throne. Third, we find in Scripture that Jonathan’s loyalty toward David is seen in his defense even in against his father Saul, 1 Samuel 19:1-3, “Now Saul spoke to Jonathan his son and to all his servants, that they should kill David; but Jonathan, Saul’s son, delighted greatly in David. (2) So Jonathan told David, saying, ‘My father Saul seeks to kill you. Therefore please be on your guard until morning, and stay in a secret place and hide. (3) And I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are, and I will speak with my father about you. Then what I observe, I will tell you." We find that Jonathan stood up to challenge his father having him remember David’s faithfulness to him including his killing Goliath.
People who have tried to misrepresent the relationship between David and Jonathan have never understood the relationship of those who share a common battlefield experiential relationship. I have shared a foxhole with another. I have also trusted another with my very soul. We shared many things together and were closer than brothers but not once did the thought of any other relationship cross either of our hearts or minds. I have friends now that I entrust everything to, even and including my very soul. I experience joy when I see them and am glad to receive a call, txt or e-mail from them. We laugh together and there have been times when we cried together. But not once have we ever desired to cross the lines that God has set in order.
I do thank God for those few men that God has brought into my life. They are there when I need them and I will be there when they need me. There is a bond that we have and share that holds our friendship above and beyond the norm. Accountability is there, counsel is there but even more, the love of the Savior is there. It is His example, His love that keeps our friendship above and beyond most friendships.
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