As we have previously mentioned the Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved passages in Scripture. As we continue on into unpacking this precious Psalm number 23 we must seek both His face and His presences as we look into this passage. This verse is a beautiful word picture of His provision for us. This is one verse that we sometimes speed read over and do not give much thought to it. I would like at this time to take this opportunity to see what we can glean from this verse as we continue to ponder the 23 Psalm. Here in this verse we find that not only is He My Shepherd but He leads me to the place of provision.
Verse 2
Psalm 23:2, “He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.”
“He makes me to lie down in green pastures: ...” As this passage continues the image that it produces continues to be peaceful and pleasant in soothing the heart and mind of the reader. It is not hard for us to picture the shepherd leading His sheep to pasture and to rest. Many pictures of Christ as the shepherd come to mind as we read this verse. The center focus continues to be that of the shepherd Himself, He is the one who is leading. We know that it is the shepherd in this passage who is leading his flock and in our life that is Christ who guides us. We are His flock and He guides us as He deems best, making sure that needs of His flock are met.
I also want to focus for a moment on the phrase “green pastures” which literally means “pastures of tender grass,” we can not simply look at this in respect to food, but as places of cool and refreshing rest. This is a picture in words; it allows us the thought of a place of rest that will always be fresh and in plentiful supply. There is no fear of running out, no fear of loss. Here the grass is comfortable for us to lie down and rest, it is also sweet enough to provide the needed nourishment that we continually need on this journey. We clearly find both physical and spiritual needs met here in this place. Through faith we find rest in the promises of the Word, much like the sheep find rest in the sound of the shepherd’s voice. All is at peace; all is at rest because all is in the care and control of the shepherd.
“He makes me to lie down ...” – He makes me lie down, not by force but through the gentleness of His word. Here we find that the Lord through His mercy and grace provides this pasture for us. He prepares it as much as He prepares us to receive the preciousness of the rest that it provides. Here the Psalmist says that “He makes me to lie down ...” with a gentile word He calls us to rest and we do so out of a grateful spirit for this precious promise that is provides us. We must realize that this pasture is a place of provision for us, yet it is only ours through His promise. Those that do not know Him are made aware of the pasture but it is not theirs to lie down in. That blessing belongs only to those who have faith and believe in the One who provides it. It is His grace that provides us these pastures. These places of comfort and safety allow us the privilege to experience His presence and all that it affords. It allows us the opportunity to rest listening to the sound of His voice.
In the last posting I made reference to Ezekiel 34, I want to grasp a thought from there again. Ezekiel 34:12-15, “As a shepherd seeks out his flock on the day he is among his scattered sheep, so will I seek out My sheep and deliver them from all the places where they were scattered on a cloudy and dark day. (13) And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land; I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, in the valleys and in all the inhabited places of the country. (14) I will feed them in good pasture, and their fold shall be on the high mountains of Israel. There they shall lie down in a good fold and feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. (15) I will feed My flock, and I will make them lie down,” says the Lord GOD.” Notice here in this passage, God gives reference to Himself as our shepherd and to those of us who are His are the flock. He will take us to good pasture and make us lie down. It is obvious that David was not alone in using this metaphorical statement.
“… He leads me beside the still waters.” – This passage continues with an interesting statement. “… He leads me beside the still waters.” This literally says, “waters of stillness,” it is referring to a place where only He can take us. A place where the waters are cool and quiet, whose flow invites to rest and to relax, to literally put your feet up, close your eyes and melt into the provision He provides. They are contrasted with boisterous streams that we constantly face in life. Though the waters are still they are not stagnant, nor are they offensive. Quite the opposite, these still waters refer to deep pools of cool water bringing forth the nourishment needed to quench the thirsty soul.
The old adage goes “Still waters run deep” and how true it that to the fountain of God? It is not a noisy place but rather a quiet place of rest for the child of God. Here the hustle and bustle of the world is held at bay by the silence of the presence of God. We must also note that we were led here beside the “still waters.” We are brought to a place where we could not go by ourselves, a place where He peacefully and patiently leads us. This is a place where we can go to be refreshed, strengthened and revitalized in the Lord. We can see from this passage how He orchestrates the necessities that we need in life.
What a continuing precious picture in words. He leads His sheep beside the water where they can freely drink from untroubled waters. He is the one who determines where the sheep go and where they will receive nourishment and refreshment. He continues to provide for us as we travel through our Christian journey. We are not to stay in the pasture and feed because we are on a journey. It is through this journey that He continues to lead us both to “pastures of tender grass” and to “waters of stillness.”
It is beside the still waters where the Spirit ministers to us. Here He cleanses, revitalizes and refreshes us. It is here that the Holy Spirit of God ministers to us individually to care and provide for us. As with the green pastures, those who do not know the Lord nor the Spirit of God can be aware of the waters mentioned here but they will not receive the blessing here because they are not connected to Him.
Some of the greatest sources of daily stress are found in the little things of life. They are often rooted in the simple things of our daily wants and needs. This verse reminds us that Christ as our shepherd, He is responsible to and for the needs of His flock. One other thought here is that this is a daily place of rest. That which we received yesterday will not sustain us today. Much like the manna that was given to the Children of Israel in the wilderness this is a daily supply. We must go to Him daily for instruction, for care, for leadership and as we have seen in these first two passages, we must go to Him daily for rest and restoration from the trials of the day and preparation for those of tomorrow.
To be continued…
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