Thursday, October 17, 2019

Farewell to My Father

In sorrow today we have said our goodbyes, 
   To the one who has greatly influenced our lives.
From life’s beginning when we took our first breath,
   To today as you took your last breath in death.

You had often carried us around in your strong arms,
   As you captivated us with fatherly charms.
Sometimes we rode on your shoulders so high,
   As we felt as though we could have touched the sky,

By the hand you led us so often in life,
   Leading and teaching us how to walk thru this life.
In your shadow and footsteps we wanted to go,
   And follow your lead as you took us in tow.

You picked us up when life knocked us down,
   Stood us back up and turned us around.
In our trials and struggles you taught us to be,
   All that we are plus all we could be.

We were never afraid when you were close by,
   Making us feel so secure as we stood by your side.
As a young man I saw in you what a man had to be
   Loving and true to friends and family.

Laughter was always heard in your voice,
   Even in struggles we found we could rejoice.
Though life can sometimes treat us unfair,
   You were there to lighten the burden we had to bare.

Now you are gone we will see you no more,
   We now have a void that we’ll now have to ford.
Alone now we have to take the full reigns of life,
   No help for the choice, no fatherly advice.

His wisdom remains in our hearts and minds,
   Precious treasure to be reaped over upcoming time.
What will be missed the most is the sound of his call,
   Though never forgotten, by one and all.

On Tuesday October 15th at 1:10 PM dad took his last  breath and 
stepped off into eternity. He closed his eyes in our presence and 
opened them in the presence of the Lord Jesus.  
Just like the Apostle Paul he could say, 
“...the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought the good fight,
 I have finished the race…”  (2 Timothy 4:6-7)  
91 years of life  - 1928 - 2019 


  1. We grieve for you! Beautifully said! We love yall

  2. Touching tribute to your dad.

  3. Very nice and touching. He was definitely a great man and he will be missed by all the hearts he touched. Thank you for sharing this.
