Monday, December 31, 2012

The winding down of one or the beginning of another…

Now that Christmas is over our focus has changed and is now zeroing in on the New Year that is closing in on us.  With each New Year we become more aware of the great responsibility that they bring with them.  This is a realization that bears upon us as we mature in Christ.  Along with the realization of the New Year comes a stark reality of the responsibility we have here as a child of God, an understanding that each day is important.  As we all know, at this time of year many people are busy planning and out their New Year's resolutions getting ready to make promises that they cannot keep will not keep or even try to keep.  It is sad that we wait for one day of the year to do so when it should be our practice every day of the year.  Many of the New Year’s resolutions that will be made may last weeks some will last days, most will only make it a few hours.  I know of a person who made a resolution and broke it 13 seconds later.  What we need to do instead of making a New Year’s resolution, we should make New Years revolutions for and regarding Christ.  To be what He wants us to be.  To act as He would have us to act.  In other words, we are to act and live our lives Christ-like.  People should be able to see him in us, they should desire that which is within us.

Instead of making a New Year’s resolution why not do something significant for Christ.  Why not make a New Years Commitment to Him.  What if God’s people decided to take the time this New Year’s Day to rededicate their hearts and minds to Him?  Why not take a moment to re-commit your heart and life to love, honor and be all for Christ as He would have us to be?  We just went through a holiday that celebrated His birth.  The season that began with a holiday celebration of His physical commitment to us; a commitment to come and walk among us, to live with us and to ultimately be a sacrifice for us.  This then leads us to the end of the year with many planning for the New Year.

Too often we find ourselves quickly turning form the joyous celebration of the birth of Christ and reverting back to our selfish ways or toward selfish desires. Our failures at resolutions are just that, they are “our failures.” We want to do or not do, we want to have or not have or we want be like or unlike. All in all they are “Our” wishes, they are “Our” desires and they are all based on “Our” selfishnesses. We cannot serve Christ in our selfishness. Getting back to the root of the majority of many New Year’s resolutions is a selfish boasting on our part.
The Bible reminds us in James 4:13- 16, “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit’; (14) whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.  (15) Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.’ (16) But now you boast in your arrogance.  All such boasting is evil.”
If we really believe what the Scripture says here then should we not want to commit or recommit out hearts and minds to Him?  Instead of making a resolution that we know will not last, why not make a commitment to Him, to re-dedicate our life to Him and allow the help of the Holy Spirit to encourage you though out the year to keep our promise to Him as He has kept His promises to us?
If the Scriptures are right (and I do believe that they are) then life is a vapor and is destined to pass away and at best quicker than we expect it to.  Why not re-surrender your heart, soul and mind to the Lord Jesus.  Why not make this year the Year of the Lord for all in your life to bear witness too.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Today, December 25, 2012

Today there are presents under Christmas trees in Newtown that will go unopened.  This will be a Christmas morning that will be filled with tears of pain and sorrow.  It will be a day that is filled with questions anger and doubts.  For some it will also be a day of victory, one of overcoming and the start of much needed healing.  This year so many will have more to be thoughtful for while others will be facing another day of emptiness that they should not have to be facing.  There will be an emptiness that will never be filled, a void that is now nothing more than a cold, dark empty space with the heart and souls of the parents who have suffered loss.

Today in Newtown CT there are Mother’s tears which will flow uncontrolled and will go unanswered.  There are father’s sorrows that will grip at their hearts that only the pain of a loss can do.  There are arms that will ache for that which has been too soon removed from them.  One small town in Connecticut like so many across America has a suffered loss of a great price. 

Today across America we must also not forget the parents and spouses of our fallen military.  Their sorrow is so often overlooked because of the separation and sacrifice of war.  It is still a sacrifice as they have volunteered to go and defend our country and those on foreign lands.  It is a sadder loss because of separation, the news of the loss reaches the hearts long before the closure of a final look. 

Today some 2000 years ago God’s son left heavens glory for a bed of straw of a stable in the little town of Bethlehem.  He came down from His eternal home to be born to die for the sins of mankind.  He came to offer all men something that had never before been offered, a personal relationship with God.  This relationship offers us Grace for every trial and tribulation that we will face while we are alive here.

Today the invitation to accept Christ is open and extended to anyone who has not received Him as their personal savior.  His saving grace is available to any and all who will repent of their sins and call upon Him.  He offers and abundance of mercy t all those who will accept Him.

Today the statement once said still holds true, “Wise men still seek Him.” 

Will you? 

Will you show yourself wise and open your heart to Jesus? 

Will you recognize that you are a sinner lost and in need of His saving grace?  -  Romans 3:10 & 23

Will you confess that you are a lost sinner in need of His saving grace?  -  Romans 6:23

Will you open your heart to him and con fess your need of His saving grace?  -  Romans 10:9 & 10


Will you call upon Him and receive Him as your personal Savior?  -  Romans 3:23

If you will please let us know, we would love to hear from you.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Wrapping…or what’s inside?

There is not a single parent who will read this that will not testify to the fact that for kids it is more about the box than the gift.  I can remember many a Christmas morning sitting on the couch with my wife in the family room.  We were both in our night clothes drinking coffee relaxing, easing down from the excitement of Christmas morning.  The dog was there on the couch between us seeking protection from the unwrapping frenzy that had just taken place.  We sat there watching the kids play with the empty cardboard boxes that we had paid plenty for.  Of course the toys that were in the boxes were now scattered around that same room.  Action figures with their blank stares looking straight at the ceiling half covered in wrapping paper left behind from the gift opened after it.  New books stacked against the couch, teetering on the coffee table or laid open on the floor.  Of course there were a few new clothing items, most were un-carefully wadded up into a ball and tossed up over the couch toward the tree.  All of which made for the festive picture before us as we relaxed midst the blinking of the Christmas lights and the laughter of the boys playing.
As I surveyed the room I could see the piles of wrapping paper, I could almost make out each gift that we purchased but the only thing missing from the picture were the boys and the boxes.  Somewhere behind the remaining furniture in the room you could here the sounds of the boys playing.  Their laughter was overwhelming at times which in turn increased our joy.  They were having fun; there was no doubt about that.  I was just amazed at what they were having fun with.  Sometimes I wonder if I would be better off just purchasing some empty boxes for their Christmas presents.  That of course we could never do but I have to admit that the thought had crossed my mind more than once and has always been shot down.

Reflecting upon this scene of Christmas past I am wondering if this could be part of the reason that so many of the young believers that I come in contact with have no depth to them.  The question that is raised is, “Could this be why Christianity is getting shallow?”  Could it be that so many people are more fascinated with the cross than they are with the Christ?  They openly strut around with a large wood, silver or gold cross hanging around there neck.  Their Persona reeks of a look-at-me attitude as they strut around like roosters in a hen house.  Their appearance is of a Christian nature but their actions are far from it.  It has often been quoted, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and ugly goes all the way to the bone.”  The truth is, it really matters not because that which we see is initially the package wrapper.  It is what’s inside the package that counts.  Our society is so caught up in looks and appearance that they often miss the true message.

My plea at this time is that we must not get too caught up in the wrapping.  Look beyond that which is obvious and see the real beauty of Christ.  Remember:

·         John the baptist wore animal skins and Solomon was partial to wearing fine robes. 

·         Elijah was a hairy man & Elisha was a bald man. 

·         Saul was at least a head taller than most men & David was a small ruddy looking boy. 

·         Moses and Aaron were brothers, Moses had a speech impediment and did most of talking where Aaron was an eloquent speaker and spoke very little. 

·         Naaman was a leper and Steven had the face of an angel. 

·         Rachel and Leah were the daughters of Laban. Rachel was more beautiful than Leah who was considered plainer in looks. 

·         Hezekiah was a king and Lazarus was a beggar. 

Jesus came to us as a babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger (Luke 2:11-12).  He left us wearing modest clothing and hanging on a cross (Luke 23:33-34).  I must tell you that He is more than the babe in the manger and far greater than the man on the cross.  He is the Christ, our risen Lord and Saviour.  He is the Lord and creator of all things and He alone is to worshiped and adored everyday of the year and not just during this holiday season.  We need to look beyond the wrapping and look inside and see Him as He really is.  We need to see Him and more; we need to fall in love with Him afresh.  Renew your relationship with Him or start a relationship with Him.  Let’s be as excited as the woman at the well who after meeting Him ran back to town with a message, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” John 4:29

Please do not take me the wrong way regarding the cross; there is nothing wrong with wearing a cross as a sign of your faith.  But it is far greater for people to see Jesus in you and to be called a Christian, than to be shallow and all show, having to proclaim your stand.  Having actions and behaviorisms that are Christ-like will far out weigh anything that we say.  Especially now that we are in the midst of this special Holiday season, people need to see Christ in others.  They need to see it in actions as well as hear it in word. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Rules, no matter how much we dislike them are Necessary

Rules are a part of life and they exist to help us enjoy and endure the life in which we live.  We must even agree that we will often find rules when placed in a situation where we are unaware of them.  The truth is, rules are set in place to help set up boundaries and these boundaries actually provide us more freedom than they do restrictions.  Many will say just the opposite that rules are restricting until they come to the realization that most of our freedom is based upon rules.  Without the presence of rules there would be absolute chaos.  No one seems to be in favor of many of the rules in their lives yet they are there to help us more than hurt us.

We find that throughout the Scriptures God presented the children of man with rules.  He began the process in the Garden of Eden with one basic rule, and as we all know, man failed.  He tried again with Noah and the Ark, though Noah obeyed them, not all of his family did.  God tried again with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and then with Joseph and the trials they went through in Egypt.  Later in the Word of God we find that He set forth His first major attempt of setting up rules with Moses.  God put forth His foundational set of ten rules written is stone, given to Moses on Mount Sinai and they are called the Ten Commandments.  These Ten Commandments or rules if you will were given by the hand of God for us to live by.  They were given to Moses by the direct hand of God.  This was His foundational set of ten which are still current to all men today.  From these hand written commandments God continue to build upon to build up to a total of over 600.  That is a lot of laws, a lot of rules to follow.  But they are all set in place as helps, as boundaries to improve our lives and relationship with the Lord.

In our day and age we still observe the Ten Commandments (or all at least struggle trying to do so).  We find that there are rules set I place to help, guide and protect us.  All of them are important no matter how much we may dislike them.  Some rules are placed before us and we are fascinated by them.  Many who have watched the TV Series NCIS know that the lead character, Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs has a set of some 69 rules that he lives by.  These rules are also used to help manage and mature those who work for him.  Those whom he is responsible for are well aware of his set of rules and try to work with in them.

The truth of the matter is, for society as a whole to function properly there must be rules.  Even in the possible absence of society there will be rules.  One major fascination in the entertainment world today is the unlikely event of a “Zombie Apocalypse.”  What helps the people survive even in those circumstances are the establishment and following of rules.  We see evidence of this in the spoof movie “Zombieland.”  In this film we find that the lead character has his set of 32 rules.  These are set in place to help him to survive.  In the AMC Television series “The Walking Dead,” there are rules.  Without the existence of rules there is chaos.  When people are gathered together for whatever reason we find that there will soon set up some rules. 

No matter where we are in our lives, no matter what position we hold, there are always rules there are always boundaries that help formulate each step I life.  I know that with some people when it comes to rules there is a lot of disgust, detestation, abhorrence, and loathing going on in the world today, and that often translates down into one word which is hate.  Rules and boundaries are a part of our lives and quite necessary no matter who we are or what we do. 

With this said, I do not know how many times I have spent many hours in my office counseling those who are in need.  All who come in, for whatever reason, are there because of a rule infraction.  The rules have been broken, lines have been crossed and violations have occurred.  One of the most popular statements made when it comes to rules is that the violator hates to be controlled by them.  Hate, is a strong word and is common in the counseling room.  I have often heard that little four-letter word come across my desk in the counseling office.  What I do find that saddens me is that those who come in and sit across from me are often guilty of the same sin that they hate in others.  They have come into the office to discuss their anger and hatred of others totally oblivious that they are equally as guilty.  They are tired of the rules; they are tired of the boundaries.  Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.”  Here in these seven words we find a perfect statement.  To love is to keep the commandments or the rules.  They wonder why they have problems, they wonder why there is strife and they wonder why God is not blessing them.  From here we must direct them to what is said prior to verse fifteen.  John 14:12-14, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. (13) And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (14) If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

Their anger and hatred of rules can often be traced to selfishness and the sin of rebellion against God.  Those who are tired of the rules are tired of the boundaries and in essence they are tired of God trying to rule their lives.  As I sat in the office going over my notes for the week’s sessions I could not help but to notice the one common thought that ran like a thread though almost every case.  That thought lay in the phrase “I hate.”  It was associated with almost every session.  The hate that they held for the other was rooted in distrust resulting in anger toward God and the rules of God.  Jesus said in John 15:9-14, “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. (10) If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. (11) ‘These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. (12) This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. (13) Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. (14) You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.’”  We find in this passage that Jesus Himself said that if we keep His commandments His rules that He will abide in us.  Verse fourteen clearly says sums it up in that our keeping His commandments is a sign that we are His friends and that we love Him.  If we are to “abide in Him” we need to follow Him and His commandments.  If we are to prove our love for Him we are to follow His rules. 

The truth many of us need to face is that rules are necessary.  Rules are necessary because we do not belong to ourselves anymore; we do not have the right to succumb to our own selfish desires any more.  We belong to Christ, He has bought us and we are subject to his rules.  I Corinthians 6:19-20, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? (20) For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”  To hate the rules is to hate the one who wrote them.  To hate the writer is to hate Christ.